| 1. | Outside cabins have picture windows, which is especially nice in glacier-viewing areas.
| 2. | Sunlight beams through the large picture windows and prevents any serious napping.
| 3. | She got out of her chair and strode to her picture window.
| 4. | It has a rectangular picture window with decorative muntins along the sides.
| 5. | Here, galleries open onto passageways that are picture windows on the grounds.
| 6. | She pried open the picture window and let the fresh air in.
| 7. | It has a comfortable reading area with a picture window overlooking Mt.
| 8. | The one-story houses are horizontally oriented, right down to the picture windows.
| 9. | The restaurant El Fogata has a storefront kitchen with big picture windows.
| 10. | An enormous pressure-wave broke a very large picture window in the dining room.